Junior Choir Nota Bella Wins Tui Gold

The NZCF Cadenza Festival aims to develop the next layer of choirs from the top twenty-four selected for National Finale. Cadenza takes place in three regions around New Zealand, featuring 12 choirs per region.

This year, our junior choir Nota Bella (directed by Elise Bradley), was selected to participate and travel to Rotorua to compete. All choirs enjoyed singing in the newly refurbished Howard Morrison Center in the middle of town. From Sunday, 13 to Wednesday, 16 August, forty-three excited year 9 and 10 singers rehearsed, learned new skills and songs in workshops with the adjudicator, competed, and made new friends from other choirs from Auckland, Kaitaia and Rotorua.

Nota Bella performed superbly, and its members won a Tui Gold award for their recitals, in which they sang in Latin, Spanish, Samoan and English! We are so proud of what they have achieved this year!

