Important Things to Note – 26 February

Emailing the school

Please remember to email [email protected] for general enquiries (including changes of address or email), and [email protected] for absences. The email address that you receive most school messages from is generally used for outgoing mail and not checked regularly ([email protected]).

Report Timetable and Parent Teacher meetings

Our Junior and Senior Reports will be issued on Tuesday 30 March through the Parent Portal. Our first of two Parent Teacher meetings will be held on Thursday 8 April and Tuesday 13 April (you can book for either night). Details on how to book to meet your daughter’s teachers will be send with her report on 30 March.

Year 11 NCEA Night
Tuesday 16 March

This has been postponed due to the recent Alert Level 3 lockdown. It will be an evening for Level 1 NCEA students and parents/caregivers to provide you with the knowledge really early in the year of how NCEA works and how to get the best possible Certificate from the year. It will be held at 6.30pm in Gym 3.

There is parking available in the two staff carparks. We will be starting promptly so please be in and seated by that time. It takes about 45 minutes to go through all the key material. One of our Careers staff will speaks for about 5 minutes at the end of the presentation. You will get two very useful handouts to take away that summarise the key information. There will be a number of other senior staff with great NCEA knowledge that can answer individual questions at the end of the presentation.  Please bring a pen in case you want to add any extra notes to the handout.

The Government has proposed changes to Level 1 NCEA likely to take effect from 2021 so this could be the last year students follow the current Level 1 NCEA structure. It is therefore really important that students ensure they get their Level 1 NCEA Certificate this year under the current structure. Your knowledge and support in assisting them in this is essential and this evening will help you in this process.

Year 9 Parent Information Evening
Wednesday 17 March

We have also rescheduled our info evening for parents and caregivers of our Year 9 students. It’s a chance to find out a bit more about how Westlake Girls High School operates, and to meet your daughter’s Form Teacher. It will be held at 6.30pm in Gym 3.

You will hear from a variety of speakers, including our Principal, Sports Director and Music Director. From 7pm you will have the opportunity to meet with your daughter’s Form Teacher regarding homework, time management, absentee procedures, accessing the parent portal, and upcoming events. You’ll also meet the Year 13 Tuakana students assigned to her class.

There will be parking onsite, and no RSVP is required. This night is for parents, however your daughter is also welcome to attend. Please ensure you know the name of your daughter’s Form Class (eg, 9AED) so you’ll be able to identify the right location to meet her Form Teacher. Your daughter will have this information on her timetable.

Pasifika Fono

This is another of our events which had to be postponed due to Level 2 restrictions. It will now be held at 6.30pm on Wednesday 10 March in the school’s staffroom, Gernhoefer Admin Centre. This is a chance for our Pasifika families to meet each other, along with our Westlake Pasifika mentors.

Whānau Evening

Our Whānau Evening for Māori parents and caregivers will be held on Thursday 18 March. If you are part of our Māori Whānau, you’ll receive an invite from the school in the next week or so. It will be a wonderful opportunity for our families to meet each other, and for you to meet our Māori Mentors and other key staff. It will be held early evening, so please keep it free and you’ll receive more details shortly.

Key Dates Term 1

Tuesday 2 February – Friday 16 April
Pasifika Fono – Wednesday 10 March
ID and Class Photos – Tuesday 16 March and Wednesday 17 March
Year 11 NCEA Parent Information Evening – Tuesday 16 March
Year 9 New Parent Information Evening – Wednesday 17 March
Whānau Evening – Thursday 18 March
Junior and Senior Progress Reports – Tuesday 30 March
Good Friday – Friday 2 April (school closed)
Easter Monday – Monday 5 April (school closed)
Easter Tuesday – Tuesday 6 April (school closed)
Report Evening One (4-7pm) – Thursday 8 April
Report Evening Two (4-7pm) – Tuesday 13 April
Anzac Day – Sunday 25 April which is in the school holidays. As Anzac Day falls on a Sunday, the observance goes to Monday 26 April which is also in the holiday break
