Important Things to Note – 25 February 2022

Email from the principal

Here’s the email we sent to our parents today.

With the Government’s announcement that we have moved to Phase 3 of the Omicron response as of 11.59pm last night, I wanted to outline how the changes affect schools.

The biggest change is that only positive cases and their households now need to isolate. This means that classmates and friends of positive cases do not need to stay at home unless they show symptoms, at which point they should isolate and get a test. There are no other close contacts.

Responsibility to identify and notify close contacts is now with the positive case.

If your daughter tests positive, please email [email protected] to notify us. In response, you will be sent a short form to fill out, which will include your daughter’s expected return to school date, and an opportunity to let us know if you’d like the school to contact you.

Isolation times at Phase 3 are:

  • Positive cases must isolate for 10 days.
  • Household contacts of a positive case must isolate for the same 10 days. Tests on Day 3 and Day 10 should be negative before a student comes back to school.
  • Anyone who is not a household contact does not need to isolate, but should self-monitor for 10 days and test if symptomatic.
  • If, at any time, anyone is unwell with symptoms, they must test immediately.









School absences

All students should be in their classes as per normal unless they:

  1. Have received a positive test result
  2. Have a household member who has received a positive test result
  3. Are feeling unwell


Students recovering at home or in self isolation will be able to access work through Google Classrooms.

If your daughter is unwell, or you are concerned, please have her tested and notify [email protected] if she will be absent from class. She will be able to return to school when the test is negative.

Please note that if a student is absent for 20 days or more without notification to the school, they will be removed from the school’s roll.

Thank you to our parent community, staff and students for doing the right thing. We continue to maintain a safe school environment where, despite positive cases, we have no evidence of transmission at school.

Important Dates

Friday 1 April Senior and Junior Interim Reports available via the Parent Portal
Thursday 14 April Term 1 ends


NB: We are currently working through the logistics of possible Parent Teacher meetings for later in the term, and will have more details for you shortly.
