Important Things to Note – 2 September 2022

Senior Exam Timetable

Our Senior School Exams are being held from next Monday – 12 September to Friday 23 September. Students are expected to be onsite for their exam, and can use their remaining time to study at school or home. Our Junior School classes will run as per normal.

You can check out the Senior School Exam Timetable HERE

2022 Board of Trustee Elections

Remember that you have until next Wednesday, 7 September at 4pm, to cast your vote for our Board of Trustee elections. Please have a read through the Candidate Statements on our website HERE. Thank you for your support of our school – your vote means a lot.

Variety Show was a winner!

Remember our student-led Variety Show back on 12 August? Well, thanks to all of you who attended, the students raised $1,150 for StarJam. Awesome.

Starting Information for 2023

If you’re an organised kind of person and have your 2023 diary already, here are some key dates for students. We’ll also pop these on our website.

Tuesday 31 January – Years 10, 11, 12 and 13. 
All returning students go to their 2022 Form Rooms for 9.30am. All students will be released at approximately 11.30am. School buses have not been requested to operate this day. Year 13 leaders need to remain at school until 3pm.

Wednesday 1 February – Year 9 along with Year 13 leaders.
All other students are not required at school.

Thursday 2 February
This is the first day of classes and is a Day 4 on the Timetable. Form Time begins at 8.50am.

Term 3 Key Dates
Monday 12 – Friday 23 September Senior School Exams
Monday 19 August – Friday 2 September Winter Tournament Week
Wednesday 28 September Father Daughter Breakfast
Wednesday 28 September Pasifika Showcase
Friday 30 September End of Term 3
Term 4 Key Dates
Monday 17 October Start of Term 4
Thursday 20 October Sports Awards
Monday 24 October Labour Day (school closed)
Tuesday 25 October Music Awards
Wednesday 2 November Special Awards Ceremony (day)
Wednesday 2 November Senior Academic Prize-Giving (evening)
Monday 7 November NCEA exams begin
Friday 2 December NCEA exams finish. End of school for Years 11-13
Friday 9 December End of Term for Years 9 and 10