Gold and Silver at the Aon Maadi Regatta

Last week during Summer Tournament Week, the Westlake Girls rowing squad travelled to Lake Karpairo to compete in the annual Maadi Regatta (New Zealand Secondary School Rowing Championships). Our squad represented Westlake Girls admirably over the course of the week, achieving 4 A finals (top 8 finishes) and 4 B final (top 16 finishes) including a Gold medal and national title in the girls u15 four and a Silver in the girls u18 novice four.

Westlake Girls finished as the 9th best sweeping school overall, fourth among all girls schools in New Zealand and first in Auckland. Of the 26 girls titles, Westlake Girls win in the u154+ was the only from an Auckland program and one of only four North Island schools to win girls titles, with South Island schools dominating proceedings. Maadi Cup 2023 marks the second consecutive year our senior 8 has earned a place in the u18 8 A final, after a 7 year absence. They were one of only two North Island schools to line up in the final on Saturday afternoon, finishing seventh in the final and the second North Island school.

Off the back of these results, individual squad members have been recognised for the efforts and ability. Tessa Guthrie and Phoebe Dobson have been awarded North Island trials, if they earn a place in the team, they will compete against the South Island later this month.


Girls u154+ : 1st (Gold) Talia Chatfield (stroke), Charlotte Mawston, Sacha van der Net, Maeve Lockett + Tessa Guthrie (cox)

Girls u18N 4+ : 2nd (Silver) Charlotte Mawston (stroke), Sacha van der Net, Annabel Savage, Annabel Drew Ross + Tayla Coplestone (cox)

Girls u18 4+ : 5th Taylor Penberthy (stroke), Stephanie Severin, Phoebe Dobson, Caitlin Naude + Tessa Guthrie (cox)

Girls u18 8+ : 7th Taylor Penberthy (stroke), Stephanie Severin, Phoebe Dobson, Caitlin Naude, Maeve Lockett, Talia Chatfield, Anna Greenhlagh, Carla Pethers-Boak + Tessa Guthrie (cox)

Girls u174+: 11th Talia Chatfield (stroke), Phoebe Dobson, Maeve Lockett, Stephanie Severin + Tayla Coplestone (cox)

Girls u168+ : 13thNeva Currie (stroke), Hollie Fraser, Isabella Davies, Payton Berry, Amelie Rerekura-Peters, Annabel Drew Ross, Annabel Savage, Kathryn Farac + Grace Kennedy (cox)

Girls u154+ : 15th Sophia de Felice (stroke), Rikyla Kennedy, Holly Christiansen, Rosa Morris + Delilah Clements (cox)

Girls u184x+ : 16th Olivia Wingate (stroke), Amalie Hoban, Maia Brown, Ruby Iversen + Grace Kennedy (cox)
