From the Principal

Kia ora Parents and Caregivers, 

It has been a difficult couple of weeks for our school community as we mourn the passing of two students in different circumstances. The girls, in Year 12 and Year 13, were an important part of our Westlake whānau and their loss has impacted staff and students alike.

We’ve been appreciative of the support we’ve received from other schools, and proud of the way our students have come together during this very sad time. If you have concerns about your daughter and her ability to cope with one or both of these losses, please contact our counselling team – their details are on our website.

As this newsletter goes out, our students are enjoying Athletics Day with some competitive – and not so competitive – events. The entire-school warm-up was once again a highlight this morning, and House Spirit was strong! It’s definitely an important day on the school calendar, and I hope your daughter comes home having enjoyed her time at the event.

It was lovely to see our gym packed with parents for both the Year 9 and NCEA Level 1 Information Evenings last week, and it was great to meet the whānau of our Māori students at our very successful hui this past Wednesday. We look forward to meeting the parents and caregivers of our Pasifika students at our fono next week.

During difficult times, such as we have experienced these past two weeks, the importance of our parent community is particularly evident. We greatly appreciate your support of our school and the vital role you play.

Kindest regards

Jane Stanley
