Kia ora Parents and Caregivers,
I hope the first week and a half of online learning in Term 2 is going well for your daughter. I appreciate the feedback we’ve received – both positive and constructive – and we will be refining our processes as we move forward. Please do not hesitate to contact your daughter’s House Deans if you have any concerns about her workload, level of face-time interaction, or over-all wellbeing. Our counsellors are also available for phone appointments.
Our school will partially reopen on Wednesday 29 April, with the change to Level 3, however this will only be for a small group of Year 9 and 10 students, along with supervising teachers. Please note our office and other facilities will continue to function remotely and email is still the best way to contact school staff.
There have been some very impressive student initiatives over the lockdown period – and you can read about some of them in this edition of The Voice. There’s our Sports and Wellbeing Prefect Daily Challenge, our debaters competing (and winning) national competitions through Zoom, and an outstanding young baker and cake decorator wowing Instagram with her creations.
In this edition, we’ve also listed some of the best sites we’ve found for advice and support.
Whatever creativity is happening in your bubble, I hope it’s connecting you together as a family and creating positive life-long memories.
The progress we are making as a country is encouraging and we are all looking forward to be able see you all again in the future.
Jane Stanley