From the Principal


Kia ora Parents and Caregivers,

Welcome to our new-look newsletter!

It’s been one of our more challenging weeks here at Westlake, with the news that the parent of one of our students was diagnosed with Coronavirus. Understandably this caused concern amongst our parent community. Please be assured that the health of our students and staff is paramount. We have liaised closely with the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health over the situation, and continue to act according to their advice and direction.

As this newsletter goes to ‘print’, the student concerned is still fit and well, and showing no signs of the virus. We continue to offer this family support, as valued members of our Westlake whānau.

In line with Westlake Boys High School, we have cancelled assemblies next week, and are taking extra precaution to sanitise the school. If our students feel more comfortable wearing face masks, they are welcome to do so.

I want to thank our parent community for your support over the past couple of days. We know it’s been a worrying time and we appreciate your calmness as we have navigated this path together.  Our advice remains the same – if you have any specific concerns around the health needs of your daughter, yourself or your family, call the Ministry of Health’s Covid-19 call centre on 0800 358 5453. In the meantime, we will advise you of any changes or updates in our situation.

Last week you will have received an email from me outlying the Government’s recently announced NCEA change package. This includes changes to Level 1 subjects the Ministry proposes to support so it becomes a broader, foundational qualification that allows students to keep their pathway options open, while Level 2 and 3 promote greater specialisation.

Public engagement on the subject list is open until Monday 20 April and we invite our parent community to provide feedback here.  We will keep you informed on any updates to these important NCEA changes.
