From the Principal

Kia ora parents and caregivers,

Over the last two weeks of Term 1, we have had some incredible success through Summer Tournament Week in national events and competitions. Our Rowing squad represented Westlake Girls at the Aon Maadi Regata in Lake Karpairo winning Gold in the Under 15 Coxed Four, and Silver in the Under 18 Novice Four. Westlake Girls placed first in Auckland overall and fourth among all girls’ schools.

At the New Zealand Secondary Schools Softball Championship our team placed second and in the New Zealand Basketball Championships our teams won two Silvers and a Bronze. Our sailing team also won Gold at the Auckland Secondary Schools Sailing Championship and will be competing in the New Zealand Secondary School Championship during the holiday break.

On Friday 31st March our Year 9 student Avishi Jain won the title of 2023 Idol in New Zealand’s Radio Tarana singing competition. This is a fantastic achievement and Avishi is the youngest competitor to have entered in the fourteen years the competition has been running.

On Saturday April 1st our Westlake choral singers were fortunate to perform with Voices New Zealand Chamber Choir, American soloist Sasha Cooke and the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra at a full capacity Auckland Town Hall. The concert opened with a new waiata commissioned from Robert Wiremu especially for the event, which was sung by Voices NZ and the Westlake Cygnet Choir.

On Tuesday this week our Kapa haka Group competed at the ASB Polyfest Māori & Pacific Islands Cultural Festival where they came third overall in Division 2. This is a fantastic achievement and results in a promotion to Division 1 next year. They also won the Haka taparahi for best female haka and placed second for Moteatea and mita (Pronunciation). Caitlin Jenkins was named third best female leader.

We are very proud of all our students who have represented us admirably in events over the last few weeks. You can read more about these in the newsletter.

Our ‘House’ system is a great way for our students to show support, feel united and work together as a team. With the results of the Cross Country this week just in, the Champion House at the end of Term 1 is Onewa. Congratulations to our Onewa House students. You can see the latest numbers on the ‘houses’ page on our website.

On Thursday 30th March and Tuesday 4th April we held interview evenings where parents were able to meet with their child’s subject teachers and it was great to see so many of you attending these.

It has been a busy but rewarding Term 1 and I’m sure you are all looking forward to a well-deserved break. Safe travels if you are going away and we look forward to seeing all our students back on Wednesday 26th April.

Kind regards

Jane Stanley

Important dates for the start of Term 2:

  • Monday 24th April – Teacher only day.
  • Tuesday 25th April – Anzac Day (school closed).
  • Wednesday 26th April – first day of Term 2.
  • Wednesday 10 May & Thursday 11 May – North Shore Careers Expo North Harbour Stadium.