Farewelling Our Y13s

Goodbye, Year 13s! We will miss you, but we’re so excited to see all the fantastic things you do in the future. Keep in touch, and remember, we’re always here for you.

You’re now part of our alumni community. That means you’ll always have a connection to Westlake Girls High School AND the whole community of past Westlake staff and students.

You never know when someone in that vast (international) group might be able to help you – offer you a job, introduce you to someone of interest, or be a friendly face in a new city.

Thank you to all those who have already joined and provided their personal email on the Year 13 Leavers’ Questionnaire, which you can complete up until the end of November.

Another way to join our database and stay connected with all the other Westlake alumni is to email [email protected]  and give your name and personal email address with ‘Class of 2023’ in the subject line.


To see photos of our School Leavers, click here.
