Exciting introduction into the world of engineering

By Lily-Grace Lee Ng
Year 9 STEAM student

On Tuesday 2 August, both STEAM classes were lucky to have some WEN members come and teach us about the incredible world of engineering. WEN stands for Women in Engineering Network.

Seeing all different types of women pursuing their dreams and not letting stereotypes stop them was inspiring. Although we all loved the whole lesson, my favourite part was the WEN team having a meeting after our first half of the lesson just discussing what they could improve on. I was really captivated by what they were saying and it really inspired me because they wanted to improve for the next class.

The first challenge we had was to create an invention that could make a dessert with the least amount of human work possible. There were many great ideas that I hope will be real products in the future, including a ceiling fan that delivers food straight into your mouth, a chain of products that make s’mores, a conveyor belt with machines that make chocolate truffles, and many more innovative ideas.

The second challenge was to fill up three containers will the same volume of water after thirty seconds using pipes with different diameters. We got a little wet but it was worth it for the fun. The WEN members got me interested in engineering, a topic I didn’t know much about and a career path that I never thought of pursuing. I really hope WEN comes back to teach us again.








