Enviro Group keeps inspiring during lockdown

By Lily Winchester
Enviro Group

All the Year 9s worked super hard over the past term to collect and recycle loads of bread tags and pens. As a group they collected over 10,000 bread tags and almost 900 pens. These will be sent off to be recycled and turned into wheelchairs!

Congratulations to the winning class 9OMT (pictured above with their pizza lunch prize) who saved over 2,000 bread tags just themselves!

While our Carbon Cleanse Week was cut short by lockdown, the start to the week was amazing. Our Enviro Group was a success.

We learnt about carbon emissions and how to lower them. We even learnt how to calculate our average carbon emissions and how many Earths we would need to continue to live the way we are.

Our upcycling for the zenlake garden went well too. It was nice to make some progress on the garden.

Check out our virtual enviro group video HERE to see what you can get up to during lockdown to be a clean green enviro queen!
