Drama classes break a leg!

Our drama students have been busy lately, showcasing their talents in year-level productions performed to family and friends.

The Year 13 Production was Accidental Death of an Anarchist and involved the whole class, while the Year 11 Production was Chook Chook and had four different casts due to Covid and absences.

Year 13 Production

The Year 13 Class chose to perform Dario Fo’s political farce ‘Accidental Death of an Anarchist’. The play looks at police corruption as well as corruption within society.

Dario Fo believed that there was a need to inform the public about the truths within society if we were to ever change them. He also firmly believed in the power of the people to make those changes. This was an incredibly fun chance to explore serious topics in an entertaining way.

The class’s parents, family and friends all enjoyed seeing this in the Events Centre as a way of showcasing the talents of the fantastic cast as well as just how much they have learned during their journey through senior drama. Well done.

Year 11 Production

The Year 11 class (top pic) took on Chook Chook by Fiona Farrell. This is a New Zealand play that looks both at the cruelty of battery farms for hens, while also highlighting the expectations placed on women by society. The class was split into four casts to try and cover for absences so each member could move between casts if necessary. They approached this with maturity and worked incredibly hard to show the depths of these characters.
