Checkmate in Wellington
The Champions Chess Trophy is the ultimate individual battle to find the best chess players in New Zealand. All players must achieve one or more outstanding results
The Champions Chess Trophy is the ultimate individual battle to find the best chess players in New Zealand. All players must achieve one or more outstanding results
Congratulations, members of Onewa House – Winners of the House Cup 2024!
The Second Hand Uniform Shop is currently facing high demand and needs more uniforms, especially Junior Uniforms and Senior Blazers, Blouses and Long Skirts. We
Warmest congratulations to Julia Wilkins (right), named Head Prefect for 2025, Anahera Petera, (left) Deputy Head Prefect for 2025, and all the other 2025 Prefects!
The Duke of Ed practice hike was an amazing opportunity. We went to the Tāwharanui Peninsula where we camped overnight and completed two hikes. The
We are so excited to bring you the very first episode of our new podcast! ️ He Kōrero Wāna is here! Westlake Girls’ brand-new podcast,
Next Friday, 1 November, wear gumboots with your uniform, bring a gold coin donation and support a fantastic charity. I Am Hope is raising money
The University of Otago is studying school start times and teenagers. If you’d like to take part, please complete the relevant survey. You can participate as
End of Year Schedule 2024 Please find below a LOT of information about the school schedule over the coming weeks. Monday 28 October. Labour Day.