Cast list for The Winter’s Tale released


Congratulations to the following students who have been successful in securing a role in the 2020 combined Westlake Schools production of The Winter’s Tale. There was so much talent, the show has been double-cast!

Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale will be performed in July after the school holidays. Watch this space for more detail.

Cast 1 Cast 2
Leontes, King of Sicilia Max Crean Michael Wassell
Hermione, Queen of Sicilia, and wife to Leontes Kayla Du Plessis Annie Reed
Mamillius, their young son Madoc Bradley Grace Blackwell
Perdita, daughter to Leontes and Hermione Charlize Espagnet India Charlesworth
Camillo, a lord of Sicilia Sarah Penny Cyrus Wadsworth
Antigonus, a lord of Sicilia Darcy Frank Max Forbes
Cleomenes, a lord of Sicilia Brooklyn Treavish Aine Maloney
Dion, a lord of Sicilia Ronnie Readings Tony Zhang
Paulina, wife to Antigonus Cayla Kritzinger Olivia Brendel
Emilia, a lady attending on Hermione Sheeta Mo Amelia Stace
Polixenes, King of Bohemia Jay Alexander Cameron Brownsey
Florizel, prince of Bohemia and son of Polixenes Grant Zent Kees Gitmans
Archidamus, a lord of Bohemia Izzy Newton-Cross Henry Bishop
Old Shepherd, reputed father of Perdita Jordyn Norman Te-Maro Cameron Fox
Clown, the shepherd’s son Cody Stott James Cain
Autolycus, a rogue, thief, and conman Calum Harvey Bryn Jeffries
Mopsa, a shepherdess Gabrielle Galao Madi Jagger
Dorcas, a shepherdess Isobella Glover Eunice Banta
Three Gentlemen of Sicilia Adam Ross, Xanthe Price, Merryn Plowman Amelia Pollard-Brown, Liberty Te Koea, Sarah Strawbridge
Adam Ross, Aimee Laurent, Amber Stevenson, Amelia Pollard-Brown, Annah Mathew, Anthony Prajoge, Arlo Feeney, Bailey Todd, Caitlin Smith, Eva Lawrence, Ivy Mitchell, Katie Brown, Ken Hu, Lauren O’Loughlin, Liberty Te Koea, Matilda Klein, Matthew Vett, Merryn Plowman, Connor Knight, Parmida Jafarian, Sachin Subramaniam, Sarah Strawbridge, Shuyan Kiu, Romeo Meyer, Willem Gitmans, Xanthe Price, Zakiy Kahn.


