Cantare shines in ANZAC Day performances


Cantare (WGHS’s premier girls’ choir) was privileged to perform at the Auckland War Memorial Museum as part of the ANZAC commemorations on 25 April.

The choir, with Director Fiona Wilson, performed two reflective concerts in the Hall of Remembrance to the general public, after the formal services finished outside the museum. The choir was excited that the Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern was in attendance at the event. Cantare’s 20-minute programme featured a piece about ANZAC poppies by David Hamilton (WGHS composer in residence), with bagpipe soloist Charlotte Rhodes and snare drummer Holly Isherwood.

Despite the early start, Cantare then went on to perform an afternoon concert at Mayfair Retirement Village as part of their ANZAC service. The singers were thanked with gifts of ANZAC biscuits, home baked by the residents.

“As Cantare’s first big performance of the year, I think all of us were understandably pretty nervous about this performance,” says Choir Lead Hannah Jones (pictured above second from left). “Considering we didn’t have a lot of performances last year, it was amazing to perform together as a choir to a full audience again, and share the product of our hard work over the last few weeks of term. I couldn’t be more proud of the performances we put on.

“Another great part of the day was getting to watch and support other Auckland choirs like the Auckland Youth Choir and Macleans College Chorale. It was such a privilege to perform in such a beautiful venue on such a special day in New Zealand and Australia’s history. It is important we remember the sacrifices the ANZACs made, and singing in the Hall of Remembrance with the names of the fallen all around us was such a poignant reminder of what NZ lost in WWI.”

Top image supplied by Brian Sarmiento of the Auckland Photography Group – with thanks


















