
Westlake Girls’ first Giving Day just around the corner

If you’ve been anywhere near our school over the past few months, you’ve no doubt noticed the imposing concrete framing that is dominating the skyline.

It might not look particularly pretty at the moment, but that concrete represents one of the most exciting structural changes our school has seen for a long time.

Our new multi-purpose Events Centre is due for completion in May 2021, and will become the home of our performing arts, school events such as assemblies and speech competitions, and a host of other activities. In short, it will become the heart of our school community – and our local community too.

We are very excited to announce that we will be holding our first-ever Westlake Girls High School Giving Day 2020, to help raise funds for this much anticipated facility. Most of $10million funding has already been raised – but we are reaching out to our whānau to help get us across the line.

You’ll be receiving an email from us after the holidays about how you can join the team, while becoming part of Westlake’s history. Our Giving Day will be held during the week of 26 October, and no amount is too little to make a difference.

We also have a range of gifting and sponsorship opportunities that involve naming rights or external branding within the centre – and many of them are extremely affordable. If your business is a good fit with our school, or your family wants to leave a legacy, we’d love to talk with you further.  You can check out:

Watch out for more information coming shortly about our Giving Day 2020.


Arts & Culture

Gala Concert well worth the wait

The long awaited Westlake Gala Concert was able to take place with a restricted live audience of 100, thanks to an event endorsement from the Ministry of Education.

A total of 15 music ensembles from both WGHS and WBHS Music Departments shared their hard work and musical talents across two concerts, which were also livestreamed. The livestream drew audiences from all around the world and is still able to be viewed on the ‘Friends of Westlake Music’ Facebook page (now up to 4.3K views!) The standard of performances was exceptionally high despite the huge disruption to regular rehearsals and annual music festivals from COVID-19.

Our music students and directors thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to perform in front of a live audience – our WGHS run groups include:

Choralation Choir – directed by Rowan Johnston
Cantare Choir – directed by Fiona Wilson
Cigno Voce Choir – directed by Rachel Carson
Nota Bella Choir – directed by Helen Acheson
Westlake Symphony Orchestra – directed by David Squire
Westlake Chamber Orchestra – directed by Miranda Adams
Taharoto Orchestra – directed by Fleur Knowles
Westlake Girls Symphonic Band – directed by Jono Howan






A sweet way to end the term

Onewa and Hauraki Houses held their final fundraiser for 2020 today, raising money for their charities (Onewa – Children’s Autism Foundation, Hauraki – Shine).

There were plenty of goodies on offer – most drenched in delicious icing, and the crowds of students were definitely appreciative. Giving to charity ends the term on a sweet note!

Well done to all our of Houses for the awesome effort you’ve made in such a difficult year.


Today's leaders inspire the leaders of tomorrow

The extraordinary contribution of our 90 Prefects in a very disrupted 2020 was celebrated with a High Tea and alumni leadership panel this week.

It was an extra-special celebration to acknowledge the hard work and determination of the students, who had persevered to become exceptional role models and achievers, through the challenges of lockdowns and condensed time frames.

Our three alumni (pictured above from left) shared their stories of life at Westlake, and their career progression since they left high school.

Sam Scott (MNZM) is Founder and Artistic Director of Massive Company. Her 34-year career has involved directing theatre, television and film. She founded Theatresports In Schools in 1990, and was a Shortland St Director from 1998- 2007. Massive Company makes new work for theatre and specialises in developing emerging artists and making sure they are valued as fabulous practitioners.

Jennah Wootton is General Manager Partnerships and Communications at Sport New Zealand, with extensive experience in leading and delivering commercially successful mega events. She was Chief Executive of the highly successful World Masters Games and has worked on some of Auckland’s most high profile events.

Dayeon Lee is a graduate of the Bachelor of Health Sciences majoring in Population Health at the University of Auckland. She is now completing her Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery, working to combine her degrees toward a career in global health development rooted in medical expertise. Dayeon currently works part time as a Health Economics Research Associate at Health Economics New Zealand. Her work experience is largely research-based in the areas of health services, policy and economics.

Pauline Harrison, who started the leadership programme for our Prefects a couple of years ago, shared some background around its vision and purpose.

The afternoon included a presentation by our Head Prefect Kaia Tupu-South, Deputy Head Prefect Darcy Frank, and five House Captains – Beth Naylor, Sania Jafarian, Anya Powell, Lara Remo and Maddison Gerbes (who couldn’t be there in person but appeared via video). The students shared insightful results from their leadership project, which investigated cultural inclusivity at Westlake Girls.

All 90 future leaders were presented with a certificate and memento from their time as Prefects.


Taking to the seas with the RNZYS!

It seems living in the City of Sails has a strong impact on our students! Meet Freya Caisley (pictured above second from left) a Year 11 student who is completing the year-long youth training programme with the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron. It runs from May to March and sailors learn to sail 7m Elliot Keel boats.

This is a very intensive 11-month course, structured to help athletes excel in all areas both on and off the water. It provides in depth focus on advanced aspects of sailing, including fitness, injury prevention, life skills and speech making. Their mission is that sailors finish the season a better sailor and a better person. The programme runs every weekend for the full 11 months and provides opportunities to compete at national level in keel boats.

Most recently Freya was selected as part of a crew to race in the NZ Women’s Match Racing National Champs, with the team finishing 5th out of the fleet.

Last weekend Freya competed in the Mudhouse Regatta with fellow sailors, again representing RNZYS. We’ll be hearing much more about this young sailor in the future!


Young sailor in a class of her own

Let’s face it – 2020 has been tough. But in amongst the lockdowns and Alert Levels, there have been some amazing success stories. Greta Pilkington is one of them.

The Year 13 sailor attended four regattas January and February – one of the few sailing classes to complete their World Championship this year due to Covid-19.

Greta attended three Australian National regattas in the Laser Radial Class, followed by the Laser Radial Women’s Worlds. As Melbourne was hosting the Laser Worlds in February, they had scheduled all their National Championships prior at the same venue. Because of this arrangement, the top 50 in the world were based there over the summer period.

Greta was part of a New Zealand youth and women’s team attending these regatta. This was her very first international Laser Radial Regatta and she was accepted to attend the Words based on her current NZL ranking. The World Regatta was a qualifier for the Tokyo games 2020 and many countries were still trialing and determining selection based on performances. Needless to say, Greta was sailing against the best of the best in the world!

To provide a sense of perspective, Marit Bouwmeester (NED) who went on to win the Laser Radial Worlds in February this year, won her first World Title in 2006 when Greta was just three-years-old. Shas since competed in over 130 international regattas since 2006 and is currently ranked #4 in the world.

Greta says she was super excited to be on the same start line as these women. She learnt a lot and loved the experience, despite the wind and sea state making the conditions extremely tough.

Greta is currently training for the NZ Youth Trials in early Oct. Although the Youth Worlds have been cancelled New Zealand is still proceeding with Trials to continue to improve the quality of the sailors and sailing in NZ.

Her results at these regattas were:

Regatta 1: Australian Laser Nationals  – 1st– 7th Jan 2020, Sandringham Yacht Club,  (SYC)  Melbourne, Australia. Result 15th /63  Silver Fleet – 78/126 OA.

Australian Laser Youth Nationals  2020 – 9th – 14th Jan 2020, Blairgowrie Yacht Club, Sorrento, Melbourne, Australia. Result 20th /40  – 4th top girl in the regatta.

Sail Melbourne – 16th – 21st Jan 2020, Sandringham Yacht Club,  (SYC)  Melbourne, Australia. Result 26th Silver Fleet – 53 /85 OA.

ILCA Laser Radial Women’s Worlds Championship 2020 – 17th – 28th Feb 2020, Sandringham Yacht Club,  (SYC)  Melbourne, Australia. Result: 89th  / 105 sailors OA.


2020 wasn't all bad!

Our 2020 Head Prefect, Kaia Tupu-South, has been a stunning role model and leader in what has been a very difficult year. She is also an amazing athlete. How’s this for a list of achievements?

NZ Secondary Schools champs Dec 2019
1st Discus
2nd Shot Put

NZ Track and Field Champs 2020
1st U20 Discus
2nd U20 Shot Put

Kaia Qualified for World U20 Athletics Champs in Nairobi, Kenya July 2020 in both Shot Put and Discus. This event has now been postponed until August 2021. She is currently ranked 1st in NZ in Women’s U20 Discus 53.69m and 1st in NZ for Women’s U20 Shotput 15.44m 4kg on the Athletics NZ rankings.

Kaia is currently in the HPSNZ Athletics Performance Development Squad. At the North Harbour Secondary Schools Championships she placed 1st in Discus and 1st in Shot Put, and at the Potts Classic Senior Women’s competition, she placed third in Discus.

What a year! Well done Kaia.


Students transported to the 1800s

During our shared Year 9 STEAM English and Social Studies lesson this week our teachers dressed up as Suffragettes. We were transported back to the late 1800s in Colonial New Zealand where Pakeha and Māori women fought for women’s franchise.

Finally, on 19 September 1893, Lord Glasgow signed a new Electoral Act into law and Aotearoa became the first self-governing country in the world where women had the right to vote in parliamentary elections.

During this lesson we worked collaboratively to create Suffrage sashes using symbols to represent issues faced by females in the 1800s, but also issues concerning gender equality today. Finally, we presented our sashes along with our gender equality chants to the whole group. Kate Sheppard would be proud of our efforts 127 years after she led the fight for women’s suffrage.


Five years of service to our library

The Library at WGHS is fortunate to have an army of 60 volunteers who keep the place running smoothly.  Amongst those volunteers are three people who have been student librarians for 5 years.  Amelia Matthews, Darcy Frank, and Emma Van Kan started as librarians in Y9 and have become our most valuable helpers.  Darcy even found time to be a reserve librarian while also serving as Deputy Head Prefect.  It has been a pleasure to know these students and to watch them grow into the responsible young women they are.

Pictured from left: Teacher Librarian Megan Davidson, Amelia Matthews, Darcy Frank and Emma Van Kan.


Why I love Touch

Year 9 student Taimana Baillie has been highlighted on Touch New Zealand’s Facebook page about why she loves Touch. Go Taimana!


Table Tennis was the winner on the day

External sports took a hit thanks to Level 2.5, but it didn’t mean we couldn’t have some healthy competition amongst ourselves. The Sports Department organised a series of intra-school events, including the 2020 Inter-Form Class Table Tennis Championships. There was a student event and a staff event.

After three hard fought weeks and 30 teams later, 10ALM’s Joy Yan and Shuyan Liu were crowned the 2020 Inter-Form Class Table Tennis Champions. Tara Lemmon’s students beat Lauren Dorrell and Judith Philips from AMZ in straight sets 21 -10, 21-12.  It was an exchange of skillful and intense rallies.

Not to be outdone, the Teachers Championship produced humorous moments and passionate rallies.  The semi-finals saw Faculty Head, Leisen Jobe, face off against science teacher, Victor Jones, in a match that produced a vigorous first set with neither players wanting to yield – but Victor eventually won 22-20 and then 21 -14 before readying himself for the big final against TIC Visual Arts, Kheang Ov.  TIC Business Studies, Phil Cowley met Kheang in the other semi-final and fought hard with some frantic rallies before Kheang won 21 -17, 21-14.

The Teacher’s Grand Final was a contest between the school’s two Table Tennis coaches, with Kheang winning efficiently in straight sets – showing the kind of calmness that we can only admire. Well done everyone.



Arts & Culture

Budding author receives Highly Commended

Year 9 student Hannah Zhang’s brilliant piece of creative writing “Flower Buds” has been awarded a Highly Commended in the Smart Alex Competition, run by The Friends of the Turnbull Library.

There were two categories – Years 9-10 and Years 11-13. Almost 120 entries were received from 50 schools throughout New Zealand. Hannah was one of only 7 entrants in her category to win a Highly Commended, receiving a $50 book token.

“I wrote the piece in early May, and the competition was something I happened to come across online so I decided to participate privately,” says Hannah. “The reason why I decided to enter the competition was because the prompts for the competition were personally intriguing and appealing, and it was generally a fun challenge for me to have a go at. I really didn’t expect anything from it either, so I’m pleasantly surprised that I managed to place!”

Flower Buds is about a child who marvelled at flowers that sprouted in snow. As the seasons passed, the child grew but the flower buds were always there to greet the child once the snow settled. However, returning to the childhood spot, the once-child is now devastated by the absence of the flowers due to absence of the snow; which can be assumed to be caused by climate change.


Outstanding effort in Social Studies recognised

By Annah Mathew

At the end of Term 3, a group of Year 9 students receives an Outstanding Effort award for their participation and engagement in Social Studies during the year. Our teachers nominated us and Ms Wensley, the TIC of Junior Social Studies, organised certificates. Once we received our certificates, the Social Studies teachers scooped ice cream for us as a small treat. The students gathered together to take a picture with their certificate. The celebration event gave us more motivation and inspiration to continue to work hard in Social Studies.


Celebrating our students' successes

Despite a very disrupted year, we’ve got so many great things happening at our school.

This term in English, Year 10 students combined static images and speeches to create Flash Talks. This assessment combines two important areas of the English curriculum, speaking and knowledge of visual language. The integration of visual slides with their speeches allows our students to develop their presentation skills. The winners of the competition were outstanding speakers, showing confidence in their manner and passion for their chosen topics.

1st Kirsten Abustan – ‘Cultural Appropriation’
2nd Bella Drummond – ‘Standing Up for Maori’
3rd Catherine Lycett – ‘The Lorax is our new reality’

The other finalists: Mackenzie Wills, Lauren Pomfrett, Shuyan Liu and Abigail Boyle all delivered captivating performances as well. They are commended on their research, writing, and delivery skills.


And a huge congratulations to these students below. Each has won a Bronze award for the NZIBO (New Zealand International Biology Olympiad) examination, which gives them a place in the NZIBO tutorial programme to potentially take them to Silver and Gold level. The exams entail complex curricular and extracurricular Biology content. This is a huge achievement and we are very proud of these students:

Yejin Bong
Serena Chen
Aneta Du
Jemy Jejy
Anya Johns
Kathy Li
Yvonne Liew
Jiaxi Mo
Moe Tun
Maggie Zhao


Students victorious in teacher clashes!

There was some fierce rivalry when the teachers played netball against a mixed team of Year 12 and 13 students this week.

The students were victorious with a final score of 25-15.  The Property team was playing full throttle with great intensity, and there were some massive passes from Toa Tanimoa which a few staff couldn’t reach but gave 100% commitment trying! Rico Sugiyama kept everyone’s spirits up on both teams, showing us all what great school spirit she has. The students loved playing against the staff and were very magnanimous in their win!


And then, in other news, it was a closely fought battle in the Staff v Students Football match, but the Year 13s were victorious over the staff winning 2-1. Well done team!



Important Things to Note - 25 September

Term 3 and 4 Key Dates

Friday 25 September:  Chinese Night CANCELLED
Friday 25 September: Last Day of Term
Friday 2 October: Korean Night 100 invited guests only

Monday 12 October: Term 4 begins
Friday 23 October: Year 13 Ball
Monday 26 October: Labour Day (school closed)
Tuesday 27 October: Music Awards Dinner
Friday 30 October: Senior Reports issued
Friday 30 October: Sports Awards
Wednesday 4 November (day): Special Awards Prizegiving
Wednesday 4 November (evening): Senior Prizegiving
Thursday 5 November: Leavers Afternoon Tea
Friday 6 November: Study Leave for Seniors begins
Friday 6 November: School closed
Monday 16 November: NCEA exams begin
Monday 9 November: Junior exams begin
Thursday 12 November: Junior exams end
Wednesday 9 December: NCEA exams finish
Wednesday 9 December: Junior Prizegiving
Wednesday 9 December: Term 4 finishes
Saturday 12 December: Second-hand Uniform Shop Sale

Sports Awards

Our Sports Awards are being held on Friday 30 October. We will be sending invites shortly with more detail.

University of Auckland changes to Entrance Requirements

The University of Auckland has recently announced several key changes to programme entry requirements for school leavers wanting to start university in 2021. The changes are:

  1. The Table A and Table B entrance requirements were removed for entrance to university for 2021 due to Covid 19. This requirement has now been removed permanently.
  2. Bachelor of Engineering (Honours): There are changes to the Calculus and Physics external requirements.  The new requirement is 11 external credits from Level Three Calculus and 10 external credits from Level Three Physics.
  3. Bachelor of Urban Planning: The guaranteed entry score has been reduced from 230 points to 180 points.
  4. If students have received a Fast Track offer, the advice is to accept this offer. It does not commit students to study in 2021. If a Fast Track offer is accepted, then the student needs to meet the requirements for University Entrance and any subject specific requirements and the offer will stand.

You can read about the changes here:

If you are unsure about any of the information above, please make an appointment to talk to one of our Careers Advisers next term.

New BOT Student Rep

We are pleased to announce that Year 12 student Sarah Penny has been elected as our 2020/21 Student Representative on the Board of Trustees. Well done to all 10 of our candidates for their professional campaigns. We will have a story on Sarah in the next edition of The Voice.

And well done to our out-going Student Rep, Grace Chen, who has done an outstanding job representing the student voice.




Vivian wins tennis tournament

Congratulations to Year 11 student Vivian Yang!


Māori Language Week celebrated in style!

Te Wiki o te reo Māori was celebrated last week with activities run by our Ngā Rangatira Āpōpō student leaders with a hangi, ki a rahi games day, kapa haka performance and Taniwha treasure hunt – and a national promoted event that our school supported by singing ‘Tūtira mai ngā iwi’ at midday on the first day of Māori Language week.

Here are a few photos of the activities held throughout the week.


Houses combine for charity fundraiser

Pupuke and Wairau Houses joined forces to raise money for their charities this week. A delicious morning tea was on offer to staff for a simple gold coin donation.

The event was organised by Service Prefects Michele Maddren (Pupuke, pictured below on the right) and Charlotte Print (Wairau, pictured below on the left), along with their Service Committees. A total of $437.30 was raised for Pillars and Youthline.


Madisson selected for Blues U18 Development Squad

Year 12 student Madisson Mataafa (pictured left on the left) has been selected for the 2020 NZR Barbarians/Blues Under 18 Development Squad.

The talented rugby player will now attend a 3-day camp during the school holidays, to showcase her abilities and further develop her skills on and off the field. The camp will include rugby development across the six pillars (Technical, Tactical, Nutrition, Physical, Mental and Personal Leadership), and exposure to Provincial Union, Blues and National Age Grade Selectors.

Madisson has been playing rugby for four years as Flanker, 8, 2nd Five and Centre. She currently plays for North Harbour, and has also played volleyball, ki o rahi, netball, touch and sevens.  “I think one of my biggest achievements was starting women’s club rugby this year and playing against some of the biggest names in the sport. Another would be the opportunity I have to train with the Hibiscus Coast Farah Palmer Cup Squad, where I’m training with the likes of Pia Tapsell,” she says.

Her favourite aspect of the game is the camaraderie with other players. “I think off the field it’s the type of environment and vibes you get with the girls of every age. It’s more of a family-orientated thing, and no matter who you’re playing for, everyone’s supportive. On the field it’s the rush of adrenaline when you’re taking your first run and making your first tackle in the game.”

Madisson is excited about her Development Squad inclusion and has her eyes on an even bigger prize. “Half-way through my second year of rugby, each game I played became more competitive. In a way, I liked putting up more competition against the better teams, such as Long Bay. “I think after playing U18 for Harbour my ambition changed to wanting to play on a more professional platform.”