Are our students future ready?

Future ready

By Susana Tomaz

STEAM and ESTEAM students have joined She Sharp for a live streaming event on STEAM Careers to learn more about various STEAM pathways. They also heard from She Sharp past and present ambassadors who shared their amazing career journeys, leaving them empowered and inspired to create their future.

Recent times have reminded us of the importance of being agile problem solvers.

Some of the topics covered during the live stream were:

  • What career options are available? What are the unique opportunities in tech where you can get involved?
  • How can you get yourself across the latest technology trends outside of the classroom?
  • What role does personal development play in building the right mindset to tackle the uncertainties of tomorrow? What does it mean to have a personal brand?
  • What should you consider to plan for your tertiary education?

Here’s what a couple of our participants had to say:

It helps with my own future, and knowing what kind of struggles I may face, and how to deal with them. It was also great hearing about how I could get involved right now, and how females are wanted/doing well in STEAM. It was very inspirational to hear other women talking about their passion, as I could relate to them, and understand STEAM better.”
Miriam Atai, Year 9 STEAM 

“I personally loved the overall encouragement and friendliness of the talk. The She Sharp speakers created a safe environment and made me feel as though I was welcome to the community. Furthermore, the speakers emphasised that a STEAM person isn’t categorised by their natural inner genius but rather someone who has determination and works towards their goals. I strongly agree with this. What made this enjoyable to me was their personal way of speech. In turn, they have motivated me to remain diligent and hopeful for the future.”
Moira Araullo, Year 9 STEAM

Some of the panelists are shown left. Their advice: Don’t stress, stay curious, believe in yourself  and follow your passion!!

