Right now we are all learning to work in a new way and we are all learners – your teachers , your whanau and YOU.
At WGHS we are working together to help each other learn at our own pace and in our own ways at home. Our Teacher Aides are enjoying working with many of you right now through emails, Zoom, Hangouts, texts and phone calls. Here they have shared some tips on what might help you become a happier more confident online learners.
- Display on a whiteboard (or something they design themselves) the weekly timetable with day 1, 2, etc. at top and times down side – write google meets on this.
- Write due dates for assessments on a monthly calendar (google search ‘calendars’ and print off).
- Display the whiteboard and monthly calendar on the wall so it is easy to see and less clutter.
- Set priorities – decide what subjects have work due in first and prioritise those each day.
- File important information from teachers when you first read the email, eg, move attachments to your google drive folder and put dates on your calendar.
- Have mental breaks – eat food, play with your pet, chat with family, sit outside, check your phone … and then return to work!
- Clear your head – go for a walk, listen to music, practice a musical instrument.
- If you are feeling overwhelmed by a subject or don’t understand what you’re supposed to do, be honest with your teacher, contact them and tell them. The work won’t go away and it will just keep adding to your worry. By letting your teacher know what help you need, they can help you. If you keep quiet, they can’t.
- Always be organized as much as you can. Plan your work with timetable or any visual form that works for you.
- Create a study schedule or routine that suits your family lifestyle.
- Do not do all your assigned work in one day and rush through it, you will end up being tired and not achieving the highest standard you can possibly do.
- My tip would be get schoolwork done during the day so you can be relaxed when you go to bed and get a restful, restorative sleep.
- After prioritising your work for the day, do the hardest thing FIRST and do it EARLY in the day.
- Take note of your mind chatter or thoughts. What are you saying to yourself? Are these thoughts helpful? Set an INTENTION for yourself. It could be something like – “I can do difficult things”, “I easily ask for help if I need to”, “ I can do hard work and find joy in the process”, “I am supported in my learning”, “I easily focus on my task.”
- Write your intention down onto a sticky note or scrap paper and place it nearby so that you can see, read and say it often. Once you get your mind on board, you might be surprised to see fun creep in!
- At the end of the day, congratulate yourself on the things you DID achieve.
- Follow your daily subject timetable and work as if you are at school. If you manage to do your task in 20 min, you can either take a break until the next class or move onto the next class. This way you give yourself some structure for the day.
- Anything is better than nothing – do what you can and work your way through what you can for that day. Tomorrow might be more productive. Go easy on yourself and be happy with what you can achieve on the day.
- Know that all students are in similar positions as you. You are not more behind than everyone else. You are doing what you can.
- “Something is better than nothing.” If we look at the whole mountain of work, we freeze up and that keeps us from doing anything. But if we can do even just one small thing, that’s more than nothing, and it may help us feel capable of trying one more thing.