Dancing through lockdown

Liana dance 1

By Giz  Visser-Heydon
TIC Dance

It’s at times like these that we are thankful so many of our students spend hours watching YouTube and Tik Tok! This has prepared them for learning dances from a screen – which is VERY handy in these uncertain times.

Our Dance students are doing well and are chipping away at learning dances for their various internal achievement standards. We are sharing content with them on Google classroom and adapting achievement standards where possible. We are swapping the order of units around a bit so students can also do the choreography standards now and can start creating movement phrases at home without distraction.

All of our senior students have also been given their workbooks for their external standards. So, if space to dance at home is an issue, they can work on the theoretical content instead in preparation for the external examinations. We have also supplied some dance/dance fitness/fitness video links for our students to stay active and have a distraction from the challenges they may be facing.

Our junior Dance students have practical work to continue with and we encourage them to explore different dance genres from around the world with us! We hope to still be able to have our Dance showcase in the first week of August, but we won’t be sure until we know what “the plan” is for dealing with COVID-19 in the next few months.

Thank you for the help and support you are giving the learners and feel free to learn their dances with them!

Pictured above right: Dance teacher Emma Young takes students through a Bollywood routine (with some help).

Pictured left: Dance teacher Liana Hape leads her Year 13 class through a contemporary dance.
