On Friday 8 March, our Year 9 students participated in their first-ever Westlake Tabloid Sports House Competition on the undercover courts. The day was a huge success, with each form class participating together over four activities. Pyramid, skipping challenges, ball throw into a bucket, and volleyball with a massive ball. House chants and photos finished the hour.
It was wonderful to see our Year 9 students working together and having fun at the same time. Thanks to our fantastic prefect team’s enthusiasm and energy, many new friendships were born, and the House spirit was easy to feel. A big thank you to our prefects for making this day possible.
House and form class points were collated throughout the day.
Final Results
1st Place with 728 points = Wairau
2nd with 602 points = Hauraki
3rd with 568 points = Akoranga
4th with 540 points = Pupuke
5th with 535 points = Onewa
The top overall form class with a massive 219 points went to 9WJN – Jiyoung Jun form class. Congratulations!