From the Principal

From the Principal

Kia ora Parents and Caregivers,

Happy International Women’s Day.

Today, as we celebrate women’s remarkable achievements and contributions worldwide, I am thinking about the incredible young women of our Westlake community. As we commemorate this special day, I’m proud of our school’s commitment to fostering an environment where our girls can thrive, their voices are heard, and they are encouraged to reach for the stars. Mana wahine!

Last week, we took the entire school off-site for Athletics Day. The logistics of moving the whole school to AUT Millennium were no mean feat, but it was well worth it. As always, our students were impressive. The competitors pushed themselves to their limits all day in the heat, and we saw many excellent results. Whether or not they were competing in events themselves, everyone was supportive. There was also some fabulous inter-house rivalry going on! Everyone contributed to the great atmosphere of the day with enthusiasm and great humour. It was a lot of fun.

This week has also been vibrant and positive, with our Pasifika Fono Evening on Monday and our Whānau Evening on Wednesday.  The commitment of whānau to the girl’s education and the school’s commitment to both groups fills me with excitement about what we can achieve together.  It is clearly going to be a highly enjoyable year!

Have a great weekend, everyone. The weather is looking lovely.

Jane Stanley



NCEA Scholarship Information Evening

Our inaugural NCEA Scholarship Information Evening on Thursday, 22 February, was a resounding success. With an impressive turnout of over 300 attendees, the event was initially planned for the school staffroom. However, due to the overwhelming interest that had our staffroom at capacity, 15 minutes before the start time, we had to relocate to the Events Centre!

The evening began with Mr Burton providing a concise overview of our school’s philosophy on NCEA Scholarship, which centres around our students’ self-belief and willingness to take on challenges. This was followed by a presentation from Mrs Cachopa, our Teacher-in-Charge of Scholarship, who detailed our programmes and the advantages of achieving an NCEA Scholarship. A highlight of the evening was the inspiring talk by former Westlake student Debbie Lee, who achieved a remarkable six NCEA Scholarships in 2023. Debbie shared her incredible journey and valuable tips and strategies for navigating Scholarship exams. The event concluded with a panel discussion featuring four of our most successful Scholarship teachers, who provided insights into their subject areas and their unique approaches to teaching these stimulating programmes.

If you or the student in your care are interested in learning more about NCEA Scholarship, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Mrs Cachopa at [email protected].


House points update

We’ve had a busy time lately with two big events on, Swimming Sports and Athletics Day, both giving the chance to win House points. Check out the results here and well done, Pupuke!

Arts & Culture

Westlake Boys Fiafia Night

Westlake Boys Fiafia Night is coming up. Don’t miss out on the chance of an incredible evening of entertainment, including performances by our Fijian girls!


Exciting chance to take part in a worldwide research project

We have a fantastic opportunity to participate in an international research project run by Stanford University in California. Stanford is a prestigious research university, and this study is called the Challenge Success-Stanford Survey of Adolescent School Experiences. This survey will help us understand student experience relating to well-being, academic engagement, and belonging. Taking part will also give us access to international data that is specific to girls’ schools. We look forward to sharing the results with our community and using them to inform decisions.

The survey will take place on 27 March. Keep an eye on your inbox for more information soon.


Darren Pereira Mindset Sessions with Students

On 28 March, some of our students were lucky enough to work with highly acclaimed motivational speaker Darren Pereira. Darren has inspired more than 500,000 students, staff and parents across seven countries over 20 years. He is passionate about working with teens, and the students loved their sessions with him.

Tuakana Session: Peer Support

In the Tuakana session, Darren equipped the students with practical skills to work effectively with their peers, with a particular focus on the Year 9 and Year 10 cohorts. The session underscored the essence of leadership through service and the power of actions over mere words.

Resilience was a key theme. Darren highlighted the importance of learning to bounce back quickly from adversity and develop mental toughness. Drawing an analogy to the ocean’s waves, he emphasised the importance of being prepared for life’s challenges, likening resilience to having effective shock absorbers and balance.

Year 9:  Step Up to Success

For Year 9 students, the focus was on the need for proactivity in order to succeed. The session encouraged a positive mindset, fostering genuine friendships through interest and smiles, and developing strong time management skills. The incorporation of music and an onsite DJ added an engaging element to the session.

Year 10:  Power to Persist

In addressing the Year 10 cohort, Darren Pereira spoke about tenacity and perseverance. He emphasised the importance of a growth mindset, learning from failures, and establishing positive habits. He also introduced the Habit Formation Tracker, available on the Year 10 Google Classroom, to aid in tracking progress and reinforcing good habits.

These sessions offered more than just insights and strategies. They opened doors for personal growth and development, empowering students to navigate their academic journey with resilience, positivity, and persistence.

Darren will be working with all other Year groups later in the year.

Arts & Culture Community

Clubs Expo

This year’s Clubs Expo was a feast for the eyes.  We have so many exciting clubs and activities on offer, there’s something for everyone to get involved in. It was fantastic to see so many students coming along to check out all the opportunities. Keep your eye on the daily notices for updates about what’s happening when. It’s definitely not too late to enrol.

Community Notices

School shoes

Academic Notices

University Open Evening 12 March

On 12 March, the Westlake Girls High School Careers department is running a university information evening for Year 13 students and their parents. The evening begins at 6.30 pm in the Event Centre. All the major universities and Unitec will be in attendance.  

 There will be a brief introduction followed by the opportunity to listen to up to three liaison officers from NZ universities with an opportunity to ask questions. In the past, this event has been well-attended. It is invaluable in helping students start to make decisions about their next steps. At the start of the evening, there will be an overview of the yearly calendar in terms of application dates, open events, and other important information. 

We look forward to your attendance. 


Y10 Visual Arts trip

On 12 and 14 February, the Year 10 Visual Arts cohort enjoyed a morning at Long Bay Beach Reserve. The trip’s primary goal was to steer students away from online image searches and immerse them in nature.

The students engaged in observational drawings and photography to capture the essence of the landscape, providing inspiration for their upcoming paintings.

The day also featured a weaving workshop led by former student Emma Ormsby, adding a hands-on dimension to their artistic exploration.

This outing offers valuable experiences and enriches their artistic journey with a deeper connection to our community’s natural environments. It counts as part of the students’ Term One assessment.

Arts & Culture

Japanese students loving Westlake life

On Monday, March, a group of 18 Japanese students from Shinagawa Junior High School in Tokyo arrived at WGHS for a two-week study programme.

In the mornings, the students attend English, and in the afternoons, they follow a buddy’s timetable and sit with their buddies for help and support. This week, the students also enjoyed visits to the Auckland Zoo and the University of Auckland.

Community Sports

Athletics Day 2024

Colour, noise, jumping, running, throwing, cheering, laughing, dancing – what a day!

Photo credits: Parent Karen Burke.









Rocky surprises!

By Julia Wilkins (12AWH)

Recently, the Year 12 Biology cohort was lucky enough to travel to Long Bay Regional Park on a beautiful summer day to investigate the community patterns found on the Rocky Shore. Armed with Quadrats and transect lines, we collected data about the distribution of different species found on the rocky shore for the 2.6 Internal.

It was very surprising to see the sheer number of creatures on the rocky shore. Most of us had never really thought about the abundant life that is present on our New Zealand coastlines.

At first glance, the rock shelf appeared barren. However, with a closer look, we discovered that an entire ecosystem of life lies within the extreme conditions of the rocky shore. From barnacles to oysters to seaweeds and snails, tiny organisms with unique adaptations to their environment are scattered throughout the shore. It was fascinating and fun to find and count the different species of plants and animals while dodging rock pools. Sometimes, however, it was quite difficult to tell the similar snails apart!

The trip has enriched our knowledge of the organisms on the rocky shore and the relationships between them. Next time you go to the beach, be sure to look closely at the rocks – you might discover more creatures than you expected.


Register for Sport – New System

CLIPBOARD – your new go-to platform for all things sports!

Here’s how to get started. Log in to your student portal via School Bridge.

Select CLIPBOARD and then “Activity Selection.” A menu will pop up; choose your favourite sports.

Make sure to register for these upcoming events because they are coming up soon.

Swimming Sports – Feb 15
Athletics Day – Mar 1
Cricket Trials – Feb 8
Netball Trials – Feb 22
Basketball Trials – Feb 10
Hockey Trials – Feb 19
Football Trials – Feb 26

Sign up now, and let’s make 2024 full of epic sports moments!

Got questions? Don’t hesitate to contact the Sports Department – we’re here to help.

[email protected]


Share Your News With Us

Do you have any inspiring student or staff-related stories/photos you would like to see in the next issue of Te Reo o Te Roto?

We love celebrating our vibrant Westlake Girls’ community. If you have news that could be published in Te Roto o Te Reo, you’re welcome to submit it to Bridget Ellis-Pegler at [email protected].

Below are a few tips you might find helpful, if you are (like me!) – not a professional photographer.

  1. Landscape (horizontal) is usually best for wider shots or groups of people. Portrait (vertical) is usually best for individual portraits.
  2. Make sure your subject/s do not have strong sunlight or other bright light behind them. They will appear too dark to see properly.
  3. Shoot in medium or high resolution.
  4. Get your shot in focus (most phone cameras have a small ‘focusing’ spot for this.
  5. Get amongst the action. If you are too far away, you won’t be able to see what is going on in the image.


Please note that Westlake Girls High School does not promote products or services from external organisations via our newsletters or other communication platforms.


Make Life Easy. Use the School Portal.

This is our parent portal and app. It’s extremely user-friendly and gives you access to the calendar, assessment calendar, parent-teacher interviews, student timetable, and assessment calendar. You can also report absences or pay fees quickly.

What’s not to love?!