The anticipation of exams is now over for our Junior school, and NCEA exams are well underway for our Senior students.
While it may appear a quieter time on the surface, there’s a lot of organisation and activity behind the scenes to ensure all our students are equipped and ready for these important end-of-year exams. In thanking staff, I want to make special mention of our Learning Enhancement Team which has overseen our students requiring Special Assessment Conditions. This group has worked tirelessly to ensure each of our students has the best possible opportunity to succeed. A lot of people volunteer their time to supervise these exams, and it’s great to see the Westlake community uniting together to support our students.
Our Junior School students are back in the classroom for the next two and a half weeks, with our Year 10s working towards their Stage Spectacular performance on 8 December. That will be followed by our Junior Prize-Giving on Wednesday 9 December. You can find more details about student requirements on the day under “Important Things to Note” in this newsletter.
It was a pleasure to host our Year 9 2021 students at the school last Friday, and see their excitement and enthusiasm for starting high school. I was very proud of our current Year 9 students who hosted groups of Year 8s and gave them an enjoyable ‘first day’ at Westlake. We look forward to seeing them back for the start of Term 1.
Like most people, we are looking forward to welcoming in the new year, and planning is well underway for 2021. We have changed the bell times slightly for next year, although start and end times remain the same. The new bell times are listed under “Important Things to Note”.
In the next edition of The Voice (our last for 2020) we will have feature a calendar for Term 1 2021, so you can lock in those start dates, along with details of when our office will be shut over the break.
I hope you are enjoying the end-of-year activities and celebrations that suddenly seem to be upon us. Have a great week.
Jane Stanley