This edition of The Voice will be coming to you in the middle of the school holidays, brought forward following the Covid-19 lockdown. I hope you are enjoying the time with your family and finding fun and interesting ways to stay occupied. While these holidays could be considered more of a challenge than a break, they do provide a great opportunity for families to spend quality time connecting and tackling new projects together.
I’ve heard of our families undertaking craft projects, puzzles, exercise challenges – and lots of baking! Whatever you are doing to fill your days, I hope it’s relaxing and you’ve settled into a comfortable new rhythm.
The end of term was an unusual and uncertain time for our students, and I know this break from school work will be a much needed time to rebalance and focus on things they enjoy.
We’ve got one more week of holidays and then online learning will resume after Easter on Wednesday 15 April. From that day, your daughter’s teachers will be available by email to assist with any queries you have. Please remember, too, that our counsellors are available if your daughter is anxious or needs some extra support during this very unusual season.
While our teachers are taking a well-earned break, there are support staff available if you have concerns or questions during this time. You can email our office at [email protected] or [email protected] and someone will be there to respond.
I know I’ve said it in emails over the past month, but I do want to thank you once again for your support as the Covid-19 crisis unfolded. It was a worrying time for us all, and the encouragement we received from our parent community was greatly appreciated.
I hope you enjoy this special “Lockdown Edition” of our newsletter. You’ll find stories on things our students achieved before the school closed, some helpful links and advice, and a series called “Lockdown Legends” where we profile staff and students working remotely.
Take care and be safe. We are busy preparing for when our school is able to reopen, and will be in touch as soon as we hear of any Government change to the current situation.
Jane Stanley