
Kia ora, everyone,

As always, the past couple of weeks have been busy and exciting as our students have embraced a fantastic range of activities.

Our tabloid sports day is a fun highlight for our Year 9 students, and it’s been wonderful to see them getting into the spirit of things.

Students have been out enjoying the opportunities outside of the classroom including Outdoor Ed trips to Goat Island, bouldering at Northern Rocks, and taking part in events such as the Auckland Secondary Schools Waka Ama Regatta and North Harbour Athletics. Year 11 Phys Ed students are off on camp next week and our music and drama groups are also away on camps over this and coming weekends, which gives them an opportunity to focus on rehearsals and get to know each other a little better. We are extremely grateful to the staff who volunteer their time to offer these experiences.

Thank you to those whānau who were able to attend this week’s Whānau and Fono evenings. It was fantastic to meet with you and welcome new families into the school.

Staff and students held our annual Clubs Expo earlier this week, during which they had the chance to explore the wide range of groups and activities on offer — whether their interests lie in sport, culture, the arts, or something completely new. This event attracted the largest number of students we have ever had! Please continue the great work of encouraging students to get involved. It is never too late, and the research tells us that those connected through these activities tend to learn more effectively.

We were privileged to be asked to host global education leaders from the OECD’s TALIS initiative recently, allowing us to showcase our teaching, leadership opportunities and innovative approach to AI in learning. You can read more about their visit in this issue.

It’s been a vibrant and rewarding start to the year, and with so much happening, I hope students will continue to embrace school life and discover what inspires them.

Ngā manaakitanga,

Jane Stanley
