Getting to know the rich cultural tapestry of Westlake

Arab World - get to know me

By Lina Anmer (Year 11) and Shivani Arivuchelvan (Year 10)

On Wednesday, 16 June, some of our fantastic wāhine had the utmost privilege to share their cultures, religions and their unique and spectacular heritage as a part of the teacher toolkit session.

This event fostered unity and cultural diversity in our school, as we share the beauty of many cultures across the globe. This opportunity was to allow the learner to share with the teachers about Westlake’s diverse cultural backgrounds. We believe that when people learn more about each other, they understand each other more and can connect better.

Our hardworking and inspiring wāhine prepared extraordinary exhibits that shared precious cultural objects, fun activities that sparked terrific conversations and varied food selection across the globe.

We had nine groups represented in this cultural meeting: Muslim Arabs, South Asia, Indonesia South East Asia, Korean, Oceania, Persia, Philippines, Eurasian/Chinese.

Well done and fantastic job to all who have participated in this incredible event. Everyone rocked their cultural outfits and shared their culture both creatively and very proudly. Most importantly, on behalf of the Get to Know Me Team, we would like to thank the fantastic teachers who came along to support us and Ms McRae and Mr Foster for supporting us in carrying out this incredible gathering. We are truly grateful.

Many photos were captured to cherish the colour and spirit of the event. We all can agree that the World is our town and everyone is our Family.
