Learning about each other and growing as leaders

By Evie Guthrie
Onewa House Tuakana

In late March/early April, WGHS held Leadership Training with our 96 House Prefects and Tuakana. Here Tuakana Evie Guthrie (pictured below left) shares her experience.

“I wasn’t quite sure what to expect from the Prefect training – considering all of us are involved in so many different areas of school life – and so training may be different for all of us. However, it was a nice surprise when the activities we did were focused on sharing our own experiences and connecting with each other. Although I’ve been to school for five years with my fellow Prefects, there was still so much I learned about all of them, such as their passions, embarrassing stories and their family backgrounds.

One activity we were asked to do was to pick a picture that we resonated with, from the many images placed on the ground in front of us. These included animals, food, landscapes etc. It was exciting to see what image each other had picked, as there were many funny stories to go with their reason for choosing it.

Knowing more about each other allows us to support each other as Prefects better and also helps us as individuals to really reflect on who we are.

Another activity we did was to pick what we thought were our top three strengths. It was quite crazy when we realised no two people in the room had the same top three strengths! It showed us that there aren’t set strengths a ‘leader’ must have. The strengths I picked for myself from the list of possible ones were humour, spirituality and appreciation of beauty. We were then asked to comment on each other’s strengths, which revealed the attributes we saw in each other which we may have not personally thought about.

Spending this time together not only strengthened us as a team, but was a valuable reminder that we have each other to rely on and be open with.”
